ساختمان Empire stateا(ESB) ایالت نیویورک
موقعیت مکانی: نیویورک ، ایالات متحده امریکا
تاریخ اتمام پروژه: سال 1931
هزینه تمام شده: 41 میلیون دلار
ارتفاع ساختمان: 443 متر
تعداد طبقات سازه: 102 طبقه
مصالح مصرفی: فولاد
مصالح کاربردی در نمای سازه: سنگ آهک، گرانیت، آجر
نام مهندس مجری طرح: "اچ.جی.بالکم"
در طی رکود اقتصادی امریکا در سالهای 1930 تا 1931 ساختمان "امپایر استیت" نیویورک به عنوان مرتفع ترین ساختمان اداری جهان انتخاب شد. نقشه این ساختمان درمدت زمانی که کارهای طراحی و ساخت و ساز آن انجام می شد 16 بار تغییر کرد. اما 3000 کارگر این ساختمان در طول مدت زمان یک سال و چهل و پنج روز و با در نظر گرفتن روزهای تعطیل کار ساخت این ساختمان را به اتمام رساندند. برای ساخت این ساختمان عظیم الجثه در حدود 60 هزار تن فولاد، 66 هزار متر مکعب سنگ آهک هندی و گرانیت، 10 میلیون عدد آجر و 730 تن آلمینیوم و فولاد خالص به کار رفته است.
From the time the construction began on March 17, 1930, the building's steel frame rose at an average rate of four and a half floors per week. To speed construction, the building's posts, beams, windows and window frames were made in factories and put together on the site. 60,000 tons of steel was brought in from the steel mills in Pennsylvania, 310 miles away, by train, barges and trucks. This photograph was taken on July 21, 1930, when work had begun on the 40th floor. William Lamb, an architect at the firm Shreve, Lamb & Harmon, was chosen to design the Empire State Building. His design was influenced by the perpendicular style of another architect, Eliel Saarinen. He happened to base most of his design on a simple pencil. The clean, soaring lines inspired him, and he modeled the building after it. He also decided that the columns of stone would be easier to put up if they were separated from the windows with metal strips. The strips covered the stone's edges, which meant the stone could be rough-cut at the quarry and then heaved into place without any final cutting or fitting, thus saving a great amount of time. The stonework began in June of 1930, and was completed in November. The windows were attached with metal brackets between the stone columns, with aluminum panels above and below each level.
In this picture, two men are at the topmost level, working on the dome. The building's history is full of interesting facts and marvelous accomplishments that still intrigue men, women and children of the world. Some Facts in History:
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