NTSB Expected to Adopt Final Report on I-35W Bridge Collapse; Agency Probe Cites Gusset Plate Design Flaw
The National Transportation Safety Board is expected to issue a ruling late Friday on the probable causes and contributing factors of the Aug. 1, 2007, I-35W bridge collapse in Minneapolis that killed 13 people and injured 145. Their findings will be released formally at the conclusion of a two-day public board meeting that .................o
NTSB Expected to Adopt Final Report on I-35W Bridge Collapse;
Agency Probe Cites Gusset Plate Design Flaw
Agency Probe Cites Gusset Plate Design Flaw
The National Transportation Safety Board is expected to issue a ruling late Friday on the probable causes and contributing factors of the Aug. 1, 2007, I-35W bridge collapse in Minneapolis that killed 13 people and injured 145. Their findings will be released formally at the conclusion of a two-day public board meeting that opened Thursday in Washington.
During Thursday's testimony, federal investigators said they had discovered a major design flaw that dated to the bridge's original design in the mid-'60s -- the steel gusset plates that held beams together were only half the required thickness. The bridge was in the midst of repairs at the time of the collapse. Equipment and supplies at one point of excessive weight in the center span caused weak plates to give out, which pulled down the adjacent sections in turn.
The NTSB has been investigating the catastrophic failure of the eight-lane, 1,907-foot-long highway bridge over the Mississippi River over the past 15 months since the collapse. The board made the two-day meeting available via a live webcast, which is being archived for later viewing online. The NTSB planned to release a summary of their final report shortly after the conclusion of the meeting. The entire report will be released in "several weeks," according to the NTSB.
>> Do a Google News search for coverage of the NTSB's meeting and findings here.
>> See the NTSB investigator's presentation slides explaining the bridge's collapse here. (PDF file)
>> Watch the archived webcast of the meeting at the NTSB Web site here.
>> View the NTSB's media advisory on the meeting here.
ASCE has maintained an interest in the investigation and in the follow-up work performed by the Minnesota Department of Transportation, and has compiled roundups on the federal and state efforts with links to official reports, contracts, photos and other materials.
>> View coverage of the NTSB's investigation here.
>> View coverage of Minnesota DOT's investigations and bridge reconstruction here.
>> View ASCE technical reports on bridge failures, inspection standards and more here.
>> View ASCE's condolence message to members following the collapse, outlining some follow-up efforts here.
>> Watch the archived webcast of the meeting at the NTSB Web site here.
>> View the NTSB's media advisory on the meeting here.
ASCE has maintained an interest in the investigation and in the follow-up work performed by the Minnesota Department of Transportation, and has compiled roundups on the federal and state efforts with links to official reports, contracts, photos and other materials.
>> View coverage of the NTSB's investigation here.
>> View coverage of Minnesota DOT's investigations and bridge reconstruction here.
>> View ASCE technical reports on bridge failures, inspection standards and more here.
>> View ASCE's condolence message to members following the collapse, outlining some follow-up efforts here.
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